Help! I Miss My Carbs: How To Overcome Your Carb Addiction

Deciding to go cold turkey on your favorite carbs (yes, the same ones that cause inflammation in your body but are so delicious) could be the hardest time in your life.

In fact, sugar addiction is a very real thing, not just a made up condition in the figment of your imagination.  As more research comes out, it has been discovered to share similarities to drug addiction, whereby pleasure and reward centers in the brain are constantly seeking their next “high” or feel good moment.

However, the good news is that carb addiction is not that difficult to break. In fact, after just 2 weeks or so of going commando, you can do without them, and you will not be subject to  mood swings and out of control cravings.

So how exactly can you stop missing those carbs, and overcome your addiction? By following the tips we have outlined for you, of course!

Prevent Hunger From Occurring

Sometimes, the difference between a craving and true hunger is confusing. In general, if you hear or feel your tummy “rumbling” you’re hungry. Other times, you think you’re hungry, but no signals are being sent from your tummy.

The best way to prevent this?

Eat timed meals. If you find waiting 4+ hours between meals isn’t quite working for you, divide that one larger meal into two smaller servings, which can be taken to hours apart. Ensure the meal is rich in protein and quality fat, as they are both very filling and will shut down your desires for sweets and starches.

The moderate amount of protein and high fat intake in a low carb diet really helps to satisfy your hunger, so you will want to eat less naturally.

In addition, when you begin to burn fat for energy, as you will on a low carb diet, you will not experience blood sugar spikes, which also helps to naturally regulate the appetite, as long as you eat protein and healthy fats on a regular basis.

Keep Yourself Busy

Do you notice that you, or your kids tend to gain an extra 5, 10 or 25 pounds during holiday or vacation times? Even though you may not be travelling and trying exquisite cuisine, the act in itself of being home all the time, bored as hell paves the way for overeating.

Binging on carbs offers a short time fix for feelings of boredom, like smoking a cigarette to fix an itch. Keep yourself engaged in activities will help distract your mind from useless snacking, starting an addiction if you haven’t yet developed one.

Stay Happy

Know what is absolutely jaw-dropping? The fact that a study revealed that cravings are not necessarily a result of hunger, but rather your mood. If you’ve ever watched a show like the biggest loser, one thing that usually resounds is the trigger than started the cascade of weight gain.

Normally, it was some sort of depression- having lost a family member, being bullied at school, having no friends or sheer boredom.

Food does improve your mood, albeit for a very short period of time, but then just leads to you wanting more and more, frequently that bag of chips or candy. 

Instead of filling up your thoughts with somber, woe-is-me thoughts, do something to take up your time, such as visiting somewhere new, doing something you truly enjoy, getting some exercise or going to a movie.

Find Replacements

Sometimes, just talking the talk isn’t enough; you need something tangible to fill the void created by the absence of your favorite sweet treats.

Good options here include foods like fatty fruits (avocadoes, olives) protein and fat rich meats, and bulky veggies.

You can even try making some kale chips, which taste delicious and fill you up pronto!
Here are some recipes you can try:

The key to getting over missing carbs is surviving the first two weeks, and getting them out of your sight. It is futile trying to break the cycle, when you have cookies stashed in your pantry begging to keep you company.  You won’t be missing any of them in no time when you begin to lose weight and get control of your appetite back!


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